JUst a girl, standing in front of a client, asking them to approve her copy.

On my first report card my teacher wrote, "Carley spends a lot of time writing!" Little did my teacher know I'd spend the rest of my life obsessing over it. Since then, my writing has found a home with brands ranging from Visit NH, RVCA and STANCE Socks, to Timberland and Baxter Brewing. I'm not sure if it's because I have a penchant for adventure, footwear, and beer, or if it's just dumb luck.

Either way, I'm stoked to be here. 

As a senior copywriter with a decade of experience in creative concepting, strategy, and executing across mediums including OOH, web, print, social, broadcast, and beyond, (as well as a 2 year stint in PR...#pitchmebabyonemoretime), I have a passion for storytelling rooted in problem solving. If I'm not perched like a gargoyle behind the fluorescent glow of my computer, or sitting hunched over one of a thousand accumulated notebooks, or working on my posture due to the aforementioned past times, I can be found going to as many concerts as possible and being mediocre at surfing.